Spanish Speaking Countries In Your Hands!

Welcome to the Spanish world, your decision to study Spanish is a new challenge in your life, you will bare witness, you will speak Spanish. Here you can find the most common Frequently Asked Questions. If you don’t find any question that you need, please let us know.







Do the teachers change or is there only one teacher for my classes?

The teacher will be the same in all classes, only when it is necessary or the teacher has health problems, another teacher will replace him/her, but this is very occasional.

Will I be surcharged for changing my class schedule?

No, if you are unable to attend the class, there are two options; 1 you can reschedule the class yourself at or you can email us directly before the class.

Do I have to take a test to know my level of Spanish?

There is a link to do a self-evaluation in the home page of our website, but this is optional. The most important thing is that in our demonstration class the teacher introduces himself, asks questions or has a short conversation with the student, the teacher evaluates and then together with the teacher makes a study plan with the topics the student needs to improve.

How do I know your school is not a fake?

You will be able to see that our school is not fake, because before making any payment, we first introduce ourselves to the students in a demonstration class and they can see that we are real.

When and how should I make my payment for a class package?

After your first hour of demonstration class you decide if you want to purchase a package of classes, and your payment is through Paypal.

Will I have extra tasks?

It is up to the student whether or not they have time to do extra homework at home, but our policy is to send extra homework.

Will I have extra payments that I will have to make?

No, we do not have extra payments of any kind, the only thing you pay is for your classes.

Is there a registration form and cost?

No, you don’t have to fill out a long form, all you have to do is schedule your class and that’s it, and you don’t have to pay anything for your first hour of demo class.

How do I know how many credits I have in my class package?

Normally when a student is about to finish his or her class package, our academic office sends a message by email indicating the amount of credits he or she still has.

Do you have another extra question?

Feel free for chatting with us or send us an e-mail